Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Full Support Shaman Skill Build (Xuse)

Offensive Skills
Tonardo (Level 1/10)[Given at Level 1]
Leave this at level 1. This is also your only offensive spell.

Support Skills
Purifying Petals (Level 1/5)[Attainable at Level 5]
This skill randomly remove one debuff from all teammates in 15 meters radius from you. Useful in dungeon, but leave it at Level 1/5 because the increase in duration and decrease in damage targets suffer is too little.

Healing Wave (Level 8/10)[Attainable at Level 8]
Max it in future to increase the amount you heal.

Ice Totem (Level 1/5)[Attainable at Level 13]
At times where you have to heal two groups of people, you can place an Ice Totem at either group to hold for a while.

Healing Wind (Level 4/5)[Attainable at Level 20]
Max it in future to increase the amount you heal.

Passive Skills
Immortal Spirit (Level 1)[Given at Level 10 after completion of the quest ‘AwakenedPower’]
Leave it at level 1 for now as the decreases in all healing magic cool down doesn’t increase even if you level it up. Max this skill in future.

Silvertongue (Level 3/3)[Attainable at Level 15]
Max it as it decreases Cool Down.

Shamanism (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 1]
Max it for more Spirit, usefulness will be shown after you have more than 200 Spirit points.

Generosity (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 1]
Itincreases Max Health Points and Healing, so max it.

Summon (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 1]
It increases Magic Speed and Evasion. Magic Speed decreases Cool Down, so max this.

Benevolence (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 21]
It increases Max Health Points and Healing, so max it.

Summon Specialty (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 21]
It increases Magic Speed and Evasion. Magic Speed decreases Cool Down, so max this.

Mercy (Level 3/5)[Attainable at Level 41]
It increases Max Health Points and Healing, so max this in future.

Summon Refined (Level 3/5)[Attainable at Level 41]
It increases Magic Speed and Evasion. Magic Speed decreases Cool Down, so max this in future.

Level by Level Skill Point Addition

Level 1 : Tonardo (Level 1)
Level 2 : Generosity (Level 1)
Level 3 : Summon (Level 1)
Level 4 : Save
Level 5 : Purifying Petals (Level 1), Generosity (Level 2)
Level 6 : Summon (Level 2)
Level 7 : Save
Level 8 : Healing Wave (Level 1)
Level 9 : Generosity (Level 3), Summon (Level 3)
Level 10 : Shamanism (Level 1)
Level 11 : Save
Level 12 : Save
Level 13 : Generosity (Level 4), Summon (Level 4), Ice Totem (Level 1)
Level 14 : Healing Wave (Level 2)
Level 15 : Silvertongue (Level 1)
Level 16 : Save
Level 17 : Generosity (Level 5 MAX), Summon (Level 5 MAX)
Level 18 : Save
Level 19 : Save
Level 20 : Healing Wave (Level 3), Healing Wind (Level 1)
Level 21 : Benevolence (Level 1), Summon Specialty (Level 1)
Level 22 : Silvertongue (Level 2)
Level 23 : Save
Level 24 : Save
Level 25 : Benevolence (Level 2), Summon Specialty (Level2), Silvertongue (Level 3)
Level 26 : Healing Wave (Level 4)
Level 27 : Shamanism (Level 2)
Level 28 : Save
Level 29 : Benevolence (Level 3), Summon Specialty (Level 3)
Level 30 : Healing Wind (Level 2)
Level 31 : Healing Wave (Level 5)
Level 32 : Save
Level 33 : Benevolence (Level 4), Summon Specialty (Level 4)
Level 34 : Shamanism (Level 3)
Level 35 : Save
Level 36 : Healing Wave (Level 6)
Level 37 : Benevolence (Level 5 MAX), Summon Specialty (Level 5 MAX)
Level 38 : Save
Level 39 : Save
Level 40 : Healing Wind (Level 3)
Level 41 : Mercy (Level 1), Summon Refined (Level 1), Healing Wave (Level7)
Level 42 : Shamanism (Level 4)
Level 43 : Shamanism (Level 5 MAX)
Level 44 : Save
Level 45 : Mercy (Level 2), Summon Refined (Level 2)
Level 46 : HealingWave (Level 8)
Level 47 : Save
Level 48 : Save
Level 49 : Mercy (Level 3), Summon Refined (Level 3)
Level 50 : Healing Wind (Level 4)
Point(s) Left : 1

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