Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bossing Sorcerer Skill Builds

Offensive Skills
Frostbite (Level 1/10)[Attainable at Level 1]
Leave it at level 1 to freeze monster.

Incinerate (Level 1/10)[Given at Level 1]
Leave this skill alone. 1 point is given to this skill for free by the game developers.

Blizzard (Level 1/10)[Attainable at Level 20, Requires 1 point in Frostbite]
Leave it at level 1 to slow movement speed of target.

Flame Strike (Level 8/10)[Attainable at Level 20, Requires 1 point in Incinerate]
Huge AoE, low cool down with HP reduction debuff. Very good for clearing dungeon trash monsters and bossing.

Support Skills
Breath of Life (Level 1/5)[Attainable at Level 5]
Put 1 point in this skill to revive.

Renewal (Level 8/10)[Attainable at Level 8]
Heal over Time skill that can be stacked 3 times. There is a Refined version of this skill, which give a chance to remove debuff  when you’re attacked with the buff on. The buff is to be stacked before battles and refreshed during battle. You’re advised to watch the skill icon as restacking it three times during battles maybe fatal. Max it in future.

Enchanted Spirit (Level 5/5)[Given at Level 10 after completion of the quest ‘Awakened Power’]
Max it for maximum attainable Attack after transforming.

FireShield (Level 4/5)[Attainable at Level 13]
Max it in future. It reflects 80% of the damage dealt on you back to the attacker at Level 5/5.

Passive Skills
Sigil of Wisdom (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 1]
Max it for more Wisdom, usefulness will be shown after you have more than 200 Wisdom points.

Spell Amplification (Level 3/3)[Attainable at Level 15]
Max it for more critical hit damage.

Devil's Eye (Level 3/3)[Attainable at Level 15]
Max it for more magic critical hit.

Sigil of Farsight (Level 5/5)[Attainable at Level 20]
Max it for more Luck, usefulness will be shown after you have more than 200 Luck points.

Fire Incantation (Level 3/3)[Attainable at Level 30]
Max it for more Fire Damage.

Void Walk (Level 3/3)[Attainable at Level 30]
More movement speed to kite boss. Useful at bossing.

Level by Level Skill Point Addition
Level 1 : Incinerate (Level 1)
Level 2 : Frostbite (Level 1)
Level 3 : Sigil of Wisdom (Level 1)
Level 4 : Save
Level 5 : Sigil of Wisdom (Level 2), Breath of Life (Level 1 CAP)
Level 6 : Save
Level 7 : Save
Level 8 : Renewal (Level 1)
Level 9 : Save
Level 10 : Sigil of Wisdom (Level 3)
Level 11 : Save
Level 12 : Flame Strike (Level 1)
Level 13 : Save
Level 14 : Renewal (Level 2)
Level 15 : FireShield (Level 1), Sigil of Wisdom (Level 4), Spell Amplification (Level 1), Devil's Eye (Level 1)
Level 16 : Save
Level 17 : Save
Level 18 : Flame Strike (Level 2)
Level 19 : Save
Level 20 : Renewal (Level 3), Blizzard (Level 1), Spell Amplification (Level 2), Devil's Eye (Level 2), Void Walk (Level 1), Enchanted Spirit (Level 2)
Level 21 : Sigil of Wisdom (Level 5 MAX)
Level 22 : Save
Level 23 : FireShield (Level 2)
Level 24 : Flame Strike (Level 3)
Level 25 : Spell Amplification (Level 3 MAX), Devil's Eye (Level 3 MAX)
Level 26 : Renewal (Level 4)
Level 27 : Void Walk (Level 2)
Level 28 : Save
Level 29 : Flame Strike (Level 4)
Level 30 : Fire Incantation (Level 1), Void Walk (Level 3 CAP)
Level 31 : Renewal (Level 5)
Level 32 : Enchanted Spirit (Level 3)
Level 33 : FireShield (Level 3)
Level 34 : Flame Strike (Level 5)
Level 35 : Fire Incantation (Level 2)
Level 36 : Renewal (Level 6)
Level 37 : Sigil of Farsight (Level 1)
Level 38 : Sigil of Farsight (Level 2)
Level 39 : Flame Strike (Level 6)
Level 40 : Enchanted Spirit (Level 4)
Level 41 : Renewal (Level 7)
Level 42 : Fire Incantation (Level 3 MAX)
Level 43 : FireShield (Level 4 CAP)
Level 44 : Flame Strike (Level 7)
Level 45 : Sigil of Farsight (Level 3)
Level 46 : Renewal (Level 8)
Level 47 : Sigil of Farsight (Level 4)
Level 48 : Sigil of Farsight (Level 5 MAX)
Level 49 : Flame Strike (Level 8 CAP)
Level 50 : Enchanted Spirit (Level 5 MAX)
Point(s) Left : 0

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