Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day (09 - 23 Feb 2012)

Event Time : Feb.9 – Feb.23
Event Server : All Servers
Event Map : 「Frost Forest」

Valentine’s Day has come! However, lovers are all fall in some troubles. What happened? As a warrior of the Glorious Shield, will you help them?

Story One: Sweet Lovers
【Mission 1, Sweet to Death 】
On the annual Valentine’s Day, as<Shining Bomb Group>Sincere Man said in worry, the Shining Bomb Group member plan to harass the couples for they can’t find their other half. It’s said that Cupid has come to help the Shining Bomb Group members. If you give him a box of chocolate, he will help you out first.
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rules:
1. Accept mission from <Shining Bomb Group>Sincere Man at Spring Jade Stronghold.
2. Collect Red, White, and Pink Love chocolates by killing mobs at Frost Forest.
3. Report to Sincere Man to complete the mission.

【Mission 2, Sweetie, Come Back. 】
You find Cupid is not happy for he just had a quarrel with his girlfriend < Chowmy >
Could you help them make up?
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rewards: 「Cupid's Gift Box」,chance to get Kuso Headdress
                        「Cupid's Bless」HP increased by 5% (3 hours.)
Event Rules:
1. Accept mission from Cupid at Spring Jade Stronghold.
2. Talking to Chowmy at X: 45, Y: 534 with <Chowmy's Love Letter >.
3. Report to Cupid and accept the next mission.
4. Talking to Chowmy at X: 310, Y: 338 with < Chowmy's Chocolate >*2
5. Report to Cupid and complete the mission
6. The mission can be accepted once every 3 hour.
Story Two: Do Me a Favor
【Mission 1, Shoot your heart】
Cupid has promised to help the Shining Bomb Group to find their other halves. But he lost his arrows when he was in a bad mood just now. He needs some items to make arrows.
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rules:
1. Accept mission from Cupid at Spring Jade Stronghold.
2. Collect <Sturdy Branches>*5 and <Soft Hair>*5 by killing mobs at Jade Forest.
3. Make Cupid Arrow in item crafting system.
4. Report to Cupid and complete the mission

【Mission2, I Love Matchmaker】
Cupid heard that some Glorious Shield members are still single now. So he decides to help them find their true love as well as the Shining Bomb Group member.
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rewards: 「Little darling Gift Box」, chance to get Kuso Weapon
                         「Dedicated」Str increased by 5% (3 hours)

Event Rules:
1. Accept mission from Cupid at Spring Jade Stronghold.
2. Talking to the appointed NPC with 「Cupid Arrow」.
3. Complete the mission from the appointed NPC and give 「Cupid Arrow」to them.
4. Report to Cupid and complete the mission
5. Mission can be accepted once per day.

Story Three: The Sweaty responsibility
【Mission 1, Rose March】
Chowmy has been playing with Cupid and didn't notice that the Angel Bears had run away. These Angel Bears have been pretending to be monsters.
Now Venus hopes you can help her catch the Angel Bears back. First you need to collect some items before catching the bears.
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rules:
1. Accept mission from<Helpless God of Love>Venus at Spring Jade Stronghold.
2. Collect White Rose by killing White Rose.
3. The mission can be accepted once every three hours.

【Mission 2, Sneak into the Covert】
Venus heard that the Ghosts in Village of Autumn Walk never harass people before. But they have been playing tricks recently. So she suspects they were Angel Bears and needs you to check it out there.
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rewards: 「Holy Pure Package」
Event Rules:
1. Accept mission from<Helpless God of Love>Venus at Spring Jade Stronghold.
2. Arrive at X: 521, Y: 95 and X: 377, Y: 104.
3. Report to Venus and complete the mission
4. The mission can be accepted once every three hours.

【Mission3, Sweet Baby Bear】
Now it’s sure that the Ghosts are acted by the Angel Bears. Venus hand the tools to you and hope you can catch them.
Notice: The Male Angel Bears are too big, so you need a Holy Rope to catch them. Female Angel Bears like shiny things. So you need a Holy Ring to catch them
Requirement: Lv.20
Event Rewards: 「Baby Gift Box」, chance to get Pet. Angel Bear (male)
                         「Goblin Comes」, Magic Critical Hit increased by 5% (3 hours)
                        「Sweet Baby Gift Box 」, chance to get Pet. Angel Bear (female)
                        「I love making trouble」, Eva increased by 5% (3 hours)

Event Rules:
1. Open 「Holy Pure Package」, you can get Holy Rope*5 or Holy Ring*5
2. Reduce Angel Bears to half and then catch them with a Holy Ring/ Rope.
3. Catch Angel Bears*5 and report to Venus.
4. Mission can be completed once every three hours.

Story Four: God, please help me
【The Deluge of Erie Chocolates】
On the Valentine’s Day, there is a group of single boys and girls. They don’t have loves but still get a heap of Erie Chocolates. As a result, the single boys and girls form a group called <Shining Bomb Group> and harass lovers here and there. To help them, you need to destroy the Erie Chocolates owned by them.
Requirement: All Players
Event Rewards: Title「Good Person」
                        「Congratulations on getting a Good Man Card」, Passive Healing increased by 5% (3 hours)
Event Rules:
1. <Shining Bomb Group> members randomly appear at the maps (Jade Forest above)
2. Kill the members, you can get Erie Chocolates.
3. Collect Chocolates*50, you can exchange for rewards with Sincere Man.

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