Monday, February 6, 2012

Glory Destiny Stats and Formula Guide

Stat and it's explaination

anyone still confuse with str, agi, wis, spr and the other in Glory Destiny Online ? Now we will explain that :)

Either way, these are the better explaination of what each stat means in the Character UI (Short Key C).

StrengthAffects block and Physical damage
AgilityAffects evade, attack speed and cast speed
WisdomAffects elemental damageFor mage and elemental weapon
SpiritAffects heal and heal receivedFor healer and tankers
LuckAffects hit, physical critical, magic critical
HPHP limit
MPMP limit
Atk #1Shows the physical damage output (Str).
Total damage outputted will be reduced through target's damage reduction rate.
For typical weapons
Atk #2Shows the elemental damage output (Wis).
Total damage outputed can be reduced through target's elemental resistance.
For elemental weapons
DefShows total defense obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Damage Reduction RateCalculated through total Def.
Used to reduce physical damage received.

HitShows total hit otained through equipments, skills and pet
Hit RateCalculated through total Hit.
Hit rate based on same level targets.

Atk SpeedShows total atk speed obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Atk Speed RateCalculated through total Atk Speed.
Affects attack speed and physical skill's cool down time
Reduce physical skill's cd time
CriticalShows total physical critical obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Critical RateCalculated through total Critical.
States the percentage to obtain critical.
40% is good enough
Critical DmgShows the percentage of critical damage obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Cast SpeedShows total cast speed obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Cast Speed RateCalculated through total Cast Speed.
Affects elemental attack speed and elemental skill's cool down time
Reduce elemental skill's cd, eg: Heal
Magic CritShows total magic critical obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Magic Crit RateCalculated through total Magic Crit.
States the percentage to obtain magic critical.
40% is good enough
Magic Crit DmgShows the percentage of magic critical damage obtained through equipments, skills, and pet
EvadeShows total evade obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Evade RateCalculated through total Evade.
Evade rate based on same level targets.

ParryShows total block obtained through equipments, skills and pet
Parry RateCalculated through total Block.
Black rate based on same level targets.
Magic can't be blocked
HealingAffects the amount of heal will be added to the each heal skillsDoesn't affect Sorc's lv8 DoH
Psv HealingAffects the amount of heal obtained will be added to each heal skillsFor tanks
Move SpdAffects movement speedRun run run~
ResistanceAffects the reduction of damage taken by each elemental damageFor dungeon boss and pk

Important Notes

1. All skills that did not specify elements are considered as physical type. Physical type skills can be easily changed to a specific element by equipping an elemental weapon (eg: Ice Lance). A clearer explanation is in the table below:

Weapon ElementSkill ElementFinal Output ElementStats Used
Elemental (eg: ice)PhysicalWeapon's Element (eg: ice)Wisdom
PhysicalElemental (eg: fire)Skill's Element (eg: fire)Wisdom
Elemental (eg: ice)Elemental (eg: fire)Skill's Element (eg: fire)Wisdom

2. Elemental type of normal attacks are based on the element of the weapon equipped. No element will be considered as physical type.

3. Critical covers physical type normal attacks and physical type skills.

4. Magic Critical covers elemental type normal attacks and elemental type skills.

5. Atk Speed affects physical type normal attacks, elemental type normal attacks and physical type skills' cast time and cool down time.

6. Cast Speed affects elemental type skills' cast time and cool down time.

Stat Formulae
Original Chinese credits goes to: 小小紫

--------------------- Legends  ---------------------

Green - Can be increased by % values (eg: 10% hp)

Blue -  % stackable (Pet + Skill + Sigil), eg: 5%+3%+2% = 10%

Purple - Cannot be increased by % values (eg: 5% cast speed)

Red - Special Reminder

Grey - Extra notes


Basic Stat
Displayed Stat Example (Obtained through pointing the stats):
Pre + (63)      <--- Basic Value: Default stat of the class
Post + (101)   <--- Side Value: Equipments + Gems + % values + Equipment Enhancement & Set Bonus + Trophy Stats + Buff

1 Strength = 5 Physical ATK, 0.5 Parry
1 Agility = 0.5 Atk Speed, 1 Cast Speed, 1 Evade
1 Wisdom = 5 Magic ATK
1 Spirit = Healing, Psv Healing (Formulae similar with Side Stat [below], can be affected by level too)
1 Luck = 1 Hit, 0.5 Critical, 0.5 Magic Critical

HP Value
Pre + = Basic HP
Post + = Equipments + Costume + % values + Passive Skills + Equipment Enhancement & Set Bonus + Buff

ATK Value
Pre + = Basic ATK + (Basic Str/Wis*5) + (Side [Equip etc] Str/Wis*5)
Post + = Equipments + Costume + % values + Passive Skills + Equipment Enhancement & Set Bonus + Buff

Side Stat (Def, Critical, Parry etc)
Example on Critical stat:
Pre + (31)     <--- Basic Value: Convert through Basic Stat's basic value (Refer table above). Eg: Luck 63 * 0.5 = 31
Post + (415)  <--- Side Value: Convert through Basic Stats's side value + Title + Equipment + Str/Wis Conversion + Buff + Equipment Enhancement & Set Bonus + % values + Passive Skills

** Decimal Values are rounded in

Side Stat Rate (Critical Rate, Parry Rate etc)
Example on Critical Rate stat:
Pre + (4.85%)     <--- Basic Value: Convert through Side Stat's basic value
Post + (24.4%)  <--- Side Value: Convert through Side Stats's side value + direct % increase (Pet, sigil, skill)

**The higher the character's level, the higher the requirements of stat values needed to increase 1%

Example on 1% Critical Rate:
Level 45 needs 19 Critical value
Level 50 needs 21 Critical Value
Level 55 needs 23 Critical Value
So on...

**As a result, it is common to have your % dropped after you level up if you're still wearing the same equipments.

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