Saturday, January 28, 2012

Useful Merge Pet & Full Boss List

Note: The types are generalised so pick those which compliments you best instead
(I) Important Note
(II) Magic Critical Type
(III) Critical Type
(IV) Support Type
(V) Tank Type
(VI) Evade Type
(VII) Boss Pet Info

(I) Important Note

1. Green named pet got 2 battle skills and 2 merge skills while Blue named pet got 3 of each.

2. The only way to catch pet higher level than lv25 is to use the cash shop's Master Pet Dango.

3. Blue named non-boss pet are obtained through low chance upon capturing a pet. Any kind of dango will do fine.

4. Boss pet can only be obtained through chance by breaking its BP during the boss run.

(II) Magic Critical Type

+5% ATK, +5% Magic Critical Rate, +10% Magic Critical Damage
Level 35 - Golem Soldier - Sandy Valley - Minion of Golem Guards
Level 46 - 白面邪靈 - Snowfall Rive
Level 48 - 蒼雪幼獅狼 - 蒼月森林 - Minion of 白尾獅狼
Level 57 - 青銅魔蟹 - 紅蓮之域

+5% ATK, +5% Cast Speed, +10% Magic Critical Damage
Level 34 - Lil Tattoo Spider - Sandy Valley - Minion of Tattooed Spider
Level 37 - Plated Beast - Wind Chime Ridge - Minion of Iron Atk Beast
Level 40 - Fire - Holy Kirin Lake
Level 45 - 面具邪童 - Snowfall Rive - Minion of 白面邪靈
Level 48 - 白尾獅狼 - 蒼月森林
Level 57 - 火山魔蛛 - 紅蓮之域

(III) Critical Type

+5% ATK, +5% Critical Rate, +10% Critical Damage
Level 30 - Yellow Baby Kirin - Frost Forest - CNY Event
Level 30 - Baby Flame Demon - Frost Forest - CNY Event
Level 30 - Green Baby Seal Demon - Frost Forest- CNY Event
Level ? - Legendary Yellow Baby Kirin - ?
Level ? - Legendary Baby Flame Demon - ?
Level ? - Legendary Green Baby Seal Demon - ?
Level 51 - 雪地狂魔 - 晶雪靈城

+5% ATK, +5% Evade Rate, +5% Critical Rate
Level 33 - Lil Sand Gecko - Sandy Valley
Level 56 - 賈斯帕 - 英雄的過往 - Boss Pet
Level 59 - 狂魔薩滿 - 丹霞林地

+5% ATK, +5% Critical Rate, +10% ATK Speed
Level 16 - Armored Grub - Spring Valley - Fixed by: Shadowsong
Level 37 - Iron Atk Beast - Wind Chime Valley
Level 41 - Fierce Wolf - Holy Kirin lake

(IV) Support Type

+5% Movement Speed, +5% HP, +5% Cast Speed
Level 13 - Ocean Jelly - Jade Forest
Level 34 - Tatala - Hall of Scholars - Boss Pet

+5% Movement Speed, +5% Block Rate, +5% Cast Speed
Level 1 - Flowerling - Autumnal Grove - Fixed by: clark027
Level 54 - 血腥小鬼 - 天焰峰

+5% Movement Speed, +5% Spirit, +5% Cast Speed
Level 26 - Forgotten Spirit - Sand Garden - Instance Mob - Credit: deathomen

(V) Tank Type

+5% Def, +5% Block Rate, +5% HP
Level 38 - Kufeng - Hall of Scholars - Boss Pet
Level 43 - Wildebeast - Sunset Ridge
Level 57 - 紅星天牛 - 紅蓮之域
Level 60 - 熔岩水母王 - 罪火之城 - Boss Pet

+5% Def, +5% Evade Rate, +5% HP
Level 30 - Rock Sand Spirit - Barrenland
Level 36 - Grass Beetle - Wind Chime Valley - Fixed by: clark027
Level 57 - 紅星天牛幼蟲 - ? - Minion

(VI) Evade Type

+5% Movement Speed, +5% Block Rate, +5% Evade Rate
Level 7 - Wood Grub - Autumnal Grove
Level 29 - Ohl Well Imp - Barrenland

+5% HP, +5% ATK, +5% Evade Rate
Level 10 - Assault Boar - Jade Forest
Level 25 - Nibbler - Ancient Desert
Level 52 - 怨恨亡靈 - 銀血泊
Level 54 - 邪氣骷髏 - 天焰峰

+5% ATK, +5% Evade Rate, +5% ATK Speed
Level 10 - Mean Vulture - Jade Forest - Credit: Hayabusha
Level 1 - Crazy Caca - Quest Reward

(VII) Boss Pet Info

DungeonNameBattle SkillsMerge Skills
Glade of Sproutax
1st Boss
Def Type
- Lightning, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- Def +10%
- Lightning, increase threat termendously
- Def +5%
- Agi +5%
- HP +5%
Glade of Sproutax
2nd Boss
Atk Type
- Fire, damage over time for 6 sec
- ATK +10%
- Fire, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- ATK +5%
- Str +5%
- MP +5%
Smoke Forest
1st Boss
Def Type
- Lightning, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- Def +10%
- Lightning, stun 3 sec
- Def +5%
- Block +5%
- MP +5%
Smoke Forest
2nd Boss
Atk Type
- Dark, increase threat termendously
- Atk +10%
- Dark, stun 3 sec
- Atk +5%
- Str +5%
- Atk Spd +5%
Sandy Garden
1st Boss
HP Type
- Ice, increase threat termendously
- Threat +30%
- Ice, damage over time for 6 sec
- HP +5%
- Def +5%
- Luk +5%
Sandy Garden
2nd Boss
HP Type
- Wind, increase threat termendously
- HP +10%
- Wind, stun 3 sec
- HP +5%
- Def +5%
- Str +5%
Sand Spirit Ground
1st Boss
Atk Type
- Fire, damage over time 6 sec
- 30% chance to double atk
- Fire, target's Atk Speed -5% for 6 sec
- Atk +5%
- Magic Crit +5%
- Cast Spd +5%
Sand Spirit Ground
2nd Boss
Atk Type
- Wind, damage over time 6 sec
- Atk +10%
- Wind, target's def -20% for 6 sec
- Atk +5%
- Str +5%
- Atk Spd +5%
Sand Spirit Ground
3rd Boss
Normal Type
- Physical, increase threat termendously
- Atk +10%
- Physical, target's Evade Rate -20% for 6 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- HP +5%
- Cast Spd +5%
Hall of Scholars
1st Boss
Def Type
- Wind, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- Def +10%
- Wind, stun 3 sec
- Def +5%
- Agi +5%
- MP +5%
Hall of Scholars
2nd Boss
Normal Type
- Wind, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- Crit dmg and magic crit damage +20%
- Wind, target's def -20% for 6 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- Spr +5%
- Hit +10%
Hall of Scholars
3rd Boss
Normal Type
- Dark, target's atk -5% for 6 sec
- Atk +30%
- Dark, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- HP +5%
- Def +5%
Hall of Scholars
4th Boss
Def Type
- Wind, move speed and atk speed -30% for 6 sec
- Def +10%
- Wind, target's atk -5% for 6 sec
- Def 5%
- Block +5%
- HP +5%
Assembly Grounds
1st Boss
Atk Type
- Lightning, damage over time 6 sec
- Atk +10%
- Lightning, stun 3 sec
- Atk +5%
- Hit +5%
- Crit Dmg +10%
Assembly Grounds
2nd Boss
Def Type
- Lightning, stun 3 sec
- Def +10%
- Lightning, target's Hit -20% for 6 sec
- Def +5%
- Hit +10%
- HP +5%
Spirit Pagoda
1st Boss
Normal Type
- Lightning, increase threat termendously
- Evade +10%
- Lightning, stun 3 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- MP +5%
- Atk +5%
Spirit Pagoda
2nd Boss
Normal Type
- Lightning, target's atk -5% for 6 sec
- Atk Spd +30%
- Lightning, target's def -20% for 6 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- Block +5%
- Atk Spd +10%
Misty Sage Home
1st Boss
HP Type
- Lightning, increase threat termendously
- HP +10%
- Lightning, stun 3 sec
- HP +5%
- Def +5%
- Str +5%
Misty Sage Home
2nd Boss
Normal Type
- Lightning, stun 3 sec
- Atk Spd +20%
- Lightning, target's evade -20% for 6 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- Spr +5%
- MP +5%
Misty Sage Home
3rd Boss
Normal Type
- Lightning, target's Atk -5% for 6 sec
- Atk +10%
- Lightning, target's def -20% for 6 sec
- Move Spd +5%
- Wis +5%
- Atk +5% 

The list above are by no means complete and should be taken with a pinch of salt.

If you got any good combo and wish to share it, please do so in this thread and I'll help you to fill in other identical merge skills' combo pets (if any). Be assured that full credit will be given to you without hesitation.

If you wish to copy this guide to elsewhere and continue to update it when am gone in the future, feel free do so but please kindly leave some credit for my efforts on running / clicking around the map.

Thanks to Hera & his Thread @ Koramgame Forum

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